
Howard County News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Howard County Council met June 26.

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Howard County Council met June 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The Howard County Council met in Regular Session on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. in Hearing Room 338 of the Howard County Administration Center. Those in attendance included President Richard Miller, Vice-President James Papacek, and members Les Ellison, Stan Ortman, John Roberts, Dwight Singer, and Jeffrey Stout. Also in attendance were County Attorney Alan Wilson and Auditor Martha Lake.

The meeting was called to order by Howard County Sheriff Steve Rogers and conducted by President Richard Miller.

In The Matter Of Approval Of Minutes:

The minutes of the May 22, 2018, regular meeting, having been previously submitted and reviewed, were approved as submitted on a motion made by Councilman Stan Ortman. Councilman John Roberts seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

Councilman Dwight Singer led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Councilman Les Ellison offered a word of prayer.

In The Matter Of Ordinance No. 2018-Hcco-21– Additional Approriations For 2018:

Howard County Auditor Martha Lake read Ordinance No. 2018-HCCO-21 – Additional Appropriations for 2018 through one time, and it was acted upon as follows.

Additional Appropriations:

1000; General Fund; Amount Requested; Amount Approved

0005 Howard County Sheriff’s Department

11907 Deputy Overtime $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00

12108 Longevity $ 17,600.00 $ 17,600.00

Total Sheriff’s Department: $ 67,600.00 $ 67,600.00

0007 Howard County Coroner’s Department

11700 Part-time (On Call Stipend) $ 1,950.00 $ tabled

Total Coroner’s Department: $ 1,950.00 $ tabled

0302 Howard County Emergency Management Department:

11339 Deputy Director (Support Staff Specialist) $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00

Total EMA Department: $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00

9601 Howard County Information Systems Department:

11800 Overtime $ 5,605.76 $ 5,605.76

Total Information Systems Department: $ 5,605.76 $ 5,605.76

Total Appropriations Request General Fund: $ 77,855.76 $ 75,905.76

1175 Howard County Sheriff Misdemeanant Fund:

47232 Sheriff Vehicles $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00

Total Misdemeanant Fund: $ 80,000.00 $ 80,000.00

8132 Howard County Health Immunization Grant Fund:

11700 Part-time Immunization Nurse $ 1,165.50 $ 1,165.50

15210 FICA $ 89.25 $ 89.25

23350 Supplies $ 1200.04 $ 1,200.04

32130 Traveling Training $ 87.54 $ 87.54

32200 Advertising & Printing & Contracts $ 617.72 $ 617.72

30000 Other Services & Charges $ 150.00 $ 150.00

47210 Equipment $ 3,138.90 $ 3,138.90

Total Health Immunization Grant Fund: $ 6,448.95 $ 6,448.95

Total Appropriations All Funds: $ 164,304.71 $ 162,354.71

Appropriation Reductions:

1000 Howard County General Fund:

0201 Howard County Superior Court I:

11412 Security Officer $ (21,673.95) $ (21,673.95)

0202 Howard County Superior Court II:

11412 Security Officer $ (21,894.72) $ (21,894.72)

0204 Howard County Superior Court IV:

11412 Security Officer $ (27,468.61) $ (27,468.61)

0232 Howard County Circuit Court:

11412 Security Officer $ (21,647.25) $ (21,647.25)

Total Reductions General Fund: $ (92,684.53) $ (92,684.53)

1114 Howard County Lit – Special Purpose Fund:

0380 Sheriff Jail Department

12108 Longevity $ (17,600.00) $ (17,600.00)

Total Reductions LIT Special Purpose Fund: $ (17,600.00) $ (17,600.00)

Total Reductions All Funds: $ (110,253.53) $ (110,253.53)

1. Howard County Sheriff Department Matron Loretta Moon explained that additional money was needed to buy back deputy overtime. Auditor Martha Lake explained that the longevity is a housekeeping issue. Vice-President James Papacek made a motion to approve $50,000.00 for account 1000.11907.000.0005 and $17,600.00 for account 1000.12108.000.0005. Mr. Singer seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

2. Howard County Coroner Steven Seele asked to table $1,950.00 for account line 1000.11700.000.0007 due to office changes. Mr. Papacek made a motion to table the request until the July meeting. Mr. Ortman seconded the motion. Councilman Jeff Stout abstained. The motion carried.

3. Howard County Emergency Management Director Janice Hart requested an additional $2,700.00 for line item 1000.11339.000.0302 to finish out the end of the year. Mr. Ortman made a motion to approve $2,700.00 for account 1000.11339.000.0302 as presented. Mr. Ellison seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

4. Howard County Information Systems Director Jeremy Stevens requested $5,605.76 to cover the final distribution of the previous director’s paid time off. Mr. Papacek made a motion to approve $5,605.76 for account line 1000.11800.000.9601 as requested. Mr. Singer seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

5. Howard County Sheriff Department Captain Jerry Asher requested up to $80,000.00 to replace a couple of jail vans out of Misdemeanor Grant Fund. Two 2012 vans currently have over 200,000 miles. Eric’s Chevrolet and the Ford dealer have provided quotes. Eric’s Chevrolet was the lower quote. This will be a cash purchase. These vans require additional safety modifications. Mr. Roberts asked about the safety features of the vans. Mr. Asher explained some of the safety features and invited the Councilman to ride in the vans. Mr. Ellison made a motion to approve $80,000.00 for line item 1175.47232.000.0000. Mr. Ortman seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

6. Auditor Lake explained that these monies are the remaining portion of a larger grant that will be not be reapproved. Councilman Jeff Stout made a motion to approve Howard County Health Immunization Grant Fund 8132 in the amount of $6,448.95 as read. Mr. Singer seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

7. Auditor Lake explained that the court security officer reductions were due to the change in security officers from court employees to sheriff’s department employees. Mr. Papacek made a motion to reduce the amount $ (92,684.53) in the General Fund as read. Mr. Stout seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

8. Auditor Lake explained that the change in the longevity was a correction from the prior month. Mr. Papacek made a motion to reduce the Howard County LIT Special Purpose Fund by $ (17,600.00) in account 1114.12108.000.0380 as read. Mr. Ortman seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

In The Matter Of Ordinance No. 2018-HCCR-12 – Transfers:

Auditor Lake read Ordinance No. 2018-HCCR-12-Transfers through one time, and it was acted upon as follows.

Transfer From: Transfer To:

1122 Howard County Community Corrections Fund:

11700 Part-time 11811 Case Manager Supervision $ 9,582.90 $ 9,582.90

11700 Part-time 12201 Field Officer $ 924.60 $ 924.60

8126 Howard County Health Emergency Preparedness Fund:

11724 Salaries 15210 FICA $ 17.13 $ 17.13

31210 Maintenance & Service Con 47210 Equipment $ 120.00 $ 120.00

23600 Supplies 47210 Equipment $ 452.11 $ 452.11

31215 ERS Tower 47210 Equipment $ 3.45 $ 3.45

32160 Communications 47210 Equipment $ 560.36 $ 560.36

9105 Howard County SHOCAP.522 Grant Fund:

23801 Curriculum 32641 Drug Screens (Witham) $ 400.00 $ 400.00

9114 Howard County JDAI Grant Fund:

20000 Supplies 32130 Travel & Training $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00

20000 Supplies 32520 Garage/Maintenance $ 708.00 $ 708.00

9126 Howard County Work Release 1006 Grant Fund:

11700 Part-time 12013 Case Manager $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00

15220 PERF 15230 Insurance $ 60,000.00 * $ 60,000.00

15220 PERF 15210 FICA $ 10,000.00 * $ 10,000.00

* Amounts changed during 06/26/18 HCC Meeting

1. Community Supervision Director Dustin DeLong explained that Fund 1122 will cover the expenses for the last few months of the fiscal year for the field officer and the case manager supervisor. Mr. DeLong would like to use grant money from the part-time position that was unused in the fiscal year. Mr. Papacek asked why additional money was needed for the two full time position. Mr. DeLong explained that the case manager position and field officer position are funded by Community Correction (grant) Fund 1122 and Community Transition Program Fund 1123. This does not change the salary, it only changes the amount paid by each fund. Any unused portion of the grant money must be returned by the state. Therefore, Mr. DeLong wanted to change the amount paid by the grant fund to include money from the part-time position for both the Case Manager and Field Officer.

2. Mr. Delong also explained that the $60,000.00 for Fund 9126 should come out of line item 15230 Insurance and $10,000.00 for Fund 9126 out of line item 15210 FICA. Mr. Delong said that these numbers have been approved by the advisory board and the state.

3. Mr. Ortman made a motion to approve the transfers for Fund 1122, 9105, 9114, and 9126 with the corrected changes as presented. Mr. Ellison seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

4. Auditor Lake stated that the Health Department requested this money for Fund 8126. Mr. Papacek made a motion to approve the transfers in Fund 8126 as read. Mr. Ortman seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

In The Matter Of Salary Ordinance No. 2018-Hcco-22– Amending Salary Ordinance For 2018:

Howard County Auditor Martha Lake read Salary Ordinance No. 2018-HCCO-22 – Amending Salary Ordinance for 2018 through one time, and it was acted upon as follows.

1000; General Fund; Amount Requested; Amount Approved:

0002 Howard County Auditor’s Department

11302 1st Deputy From $35,680 to $36,000 annually $ $ 36,000.00

11303 2nd Deputy From $32,895 to $33,100 annually $ $ 33,100.00

Both Increases Effective 06/25/18

0005 Howard County Sheriff’s Department

11907 Deputy Overtime $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00

12108 Longevity $ 17,600.00 $ 17,600.00

0007 Howard County Coroner’s Department

11700 Part-time (On Call Stipend) $ 1,950.00 $ tabled

0201 Howard County Superior Court I:

11412 Security Officer $ (21,673.95) $ (21,673.95)

0202 Howard County Superior Court II:

11412 Security Officer $ (21,894.72) $ (21,894.72)

0204 Howard County Superior Court IV:

11412 Security Officer $ (27,468.61) $ (27,468.61)

0232 Howard County Circuit Court:

11412 Security Officer $ (21,647.25) $ (21,647.25)

0302 Howard County Emergency Management Department:

11339 Deputy Director (Support Staff Specialist) $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00

9601 Howard County Information Systems Department:

11800 Overtime $ 5,605.76 $ 5,605.76

1114 Howard County LIT – Special Purpose Fund:

12108 Longevity $ (17,600.00) $ (17,600.00)

1122 Howard County Community Corrections Fund:

11700 Part-time $ (10,507.50) $ (10,507.50)

11811 Case Manager Supervisor $ 9,582.90 $ 9,582.90

12201 Field Officer $ 924.60 $ 924.60

8126 Howard County Health Emergency Preparedness Fund:

11724 Salaries $ (17.13) $ (17.13)

15210 FICA $ 17.13 $ 17.13

8132 Howard County Health Emergency Preparedness Fund:

11700 Part-time Immunization Nurse $ 1,165.50 $ 1,165.50

15210 FICA $ 89.25 $ 89.25

9126 Howard County Work Release HB 1006 Fund:

11700 Part-time $ (20,000.00) $ (20,000.00)

15220 Case Manager $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00

15220 PERF $ (70,000.00) $ (70,000.00)

15230 Insurance $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00

15210 FICA $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00

Mr. Stout made a motion to approve Salary Ordinance 2018-HCCO-22 as read. Mr. Ellison seconded the motion, and the motion carried.

In The Matter Of Other Council Business:

1. Mr. Ortman informed the council about a website on the state of county bridges. The website name is “saveourbridges.com”. There were no unsafe bridges listed under Howard County.

2. Mr. Ortman and Mr. Roberts met as part of the U.S. 31 Coalition. Mr. Ortman stated he would answer any questions about the U.S. 31 Coalition.

3. Mr. Ellison asked for prayers on his job retention.




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